Fuji Electric
APX510-24S Fuji Electric Bulb
Product short description:
Price: US $85.00
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Product no: APX510-24S
Product info: APX510-24S Fuji Electric Bulb
Product long description:
APX510-24S Fuji Electric Bulb
Fuji Electric bulb, LED, replacement, 24 VAC/VDC, BA9s/13 bayonet, blue, 12 mA AC, 11 mA DC, 0.8W. Package of 2.
Product specifications
APX510-24S Fuji Electric Bulb
Features and Specifications:
- Brand: Fuji Electric
- Item: Bulb
- Bulb Type: LED
- Replacement: Yes
- Voltage Rating: 24 VAC/VDC
- Bulb Base: BA9s/13
- Color: Blue
- Amperage Rating: 12 mA AC, 11 mA DC
- Power Rating: 0.8W
- Quantity per Pack: 2
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