Fall Protection

Fall protection equipment for the energy, power and utilities industries
For Carroll Technologies, providing workers with the best fall protection equipment is a key priority.

Fall Protection Equipment for Offshore, Oil & Gas Industries
Offshore, oil and gas industries are dangerous for workers if the correct safety procedures and equipment are not in place. According to Offshore, Ill Health and Incident Statistics published by HSE, injuries from slips, trips and falls, including falls from heights, account for 52% of all major injuries at offshore sites, particularly where fall protection equipment is inadequate.

Fall Protection
OSHA fall protection standards dictate that employees who are required to work on any surface more than 6ft high with an unprotected edge must have fall protection equipment. MSHA data from 2020 declares that slips and falls were the second highest cause of mining-related injuries and fatalities.

Fall Protection Equipment for Mining and Tunnneling
Workers in underground mines and tunnels work in dangerous locations and face a number of risks every day. According to the MSHA, slips and falls are one of the leading causes of mining-related injuries and fatalities. With this in mind, reliable fall protection is paramount to keeping workers safe. This can include anything from high-quality harnesses and sturdy hooks to shock-absorbing lanyards personal fall limiters.
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