1154 Lincoln Dual Piston Lever-Action Manual Grease Gun
Product short description:
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Product no: 1154
Product info: 1154 Lincoln Dual Piston Lever-Action Manual Grease Gun
Product long description:
1154 Lincoln Dual Piston Lever-Action Manual Grease Gun
Grease Gun, Manual; Dual-Piston Lever-Action
The Lincoln model 1154 dual-piston grease gun easily switches between high-pressure and high-volume delivery, making it the most efficient for any job, including those with large lubrication requirements, high tolerance lube points or clogged fittings.
Product specifications
1154 Lincoln Dual Piston Lever-Action Manual Grease Gun
Features and Specifications:
- Thumb-operated switch to toggle between high-pressure and high-volume positions
- Provides quick and efficient lubrication
- Quick-prime design has the tool operational immediately
- Appropriate for high-volume applications such as large joints, bushings and bearings, or large surfaces areas such as fifth wheels, chains and conveyors
- Suitable for high-pressure applications such as track adjusters, clogged fittings and high-tolerance locations (10,000 psi)
- The pressure position has a standard grease gun output of 38 strokes/oz.
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