NLT (Northern Light Technologies)
N-R5120-01 Single Unit Charger
Product short description:
Price: US $72.00
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Product no: N-R5120-01
Product info: N-R5120-01 Single Unit Charger
Product long description:
Northern Light Technology (NLT) designs and manufactures the most widely used mining cap lights in the world. The single-unit charger for the 120V Polaris Cap Lamp is also available as a 4-unit, 10-unit, 24-unit and 48-unit, with a 12 VDC adapter for vehicle connection.Β
When fully charged, the 7,000 Lux, intrinsically safe Polaris Cap Lamp has a total runtime of 14 hours for the primary LED, and seven days for the secondary LED. The estimated battery charge time is less that ten hours.Β
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