Zefon/Environmental Express
ZA0085 2 Liter Calibration Jar
Price: US $102.00
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Product no: ZA0085
Product info: ZA0085 2 Liter Calibration Jar
Product long description:
ZA0085 2 Liter Calibration Jar
The Zefon® Cyclone Calibration Jar is a container with all the proper fittings and connections to calibrate Personal Sampling Pumps with the Zefon, SKC, or Dorr-Oliver Cyclones, and inhalable dust samplers.
Product specifications
ZA0085 2 Liter Calibration Jar
Features and Specifications:
- Compatible with both Zefon and SKC Aluminum Cyclones
- Complete with all fittings and Tygon® tubing for connecting the sampling pump
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